Self Aware Test
A fun quiz to see how well you actually know yourself. Answer a few questions, send it to friends and family, then compare the results to test your self-awareness.
Quiz / Tool
2 days
George Mack, My First Million Podcast
I was listening to the My First Million podcast (never miss an episode), and the guest, George Mack, had a cool idea about testing self-awareness. I thought it was pretty interesting, so I decided to make it into a real thing.
It's basically a fun quiz to see how well you actually know yourself. First you answer a few questions. Then you send it to your friends and family. Then you compare the differences.
Wanna give it a try and see if you're as self-aware as you think?
Original Idea Source
MFM Podcast Episode 624
Featuring George Mack
In this episode of My First Million, guest George Mack shares his idea for a self-awareness test. The concept is simple yet powerful: answer questions about yourself, have others answer the same questions about you, and compare the results.
This idea sparked the creation of Self Aware Test, turning a podcast discussion into a practical tool for personal growth and self-reflection.